How to Prepare for an Ion Detox

How to Prepare for an Ion Detox

Ion body detoxification removes toxins through your feet. As they sit in a container of warm water, a stream of positive and negative ions attaches to the toxins and draws them out through your skin. An ion generator then sends new ions back into your body. If left in the body, the bad toxins could causes aches, pains and diseases. Here's how to prepare for it.


Find a salon or center that performs ion detox. The Web is your best bet.


Know that most places recommend multiple sessions for maximum effectiveness. This may include as many as twelve sessions for people between the ages of 10 and 65. It's recommended they go three times a week for four weeks.


Pay around $50 for a single session. You can save money by buying a package. They run between $300 and $500 depending on the number of ion detox sessions.


Drink plenty of water before the ion body detox treatment. You should aim for 100 ounces, or 12 cups, of water. Your system will need it to avoid a common side effect--a headache.


Eat nutritious food rich in minerals. This will also help stave off the headache following ion body detoxification.


Wear comfortable clothing to your sessions. Women may want to shave their legs and paint their toes since they'll be on display during the process.

Tips & Warnings

Talk to your doctor if you're considering ion body detox.

Don't schedule ion body detox for a
under the age of 10 without first talking to his doctor.

How to Prepare for Acupuncture

How to Prepare for Acupuncture

Many people turn to acupuncture to cure or help relieve ailments such as depression, arthritis, and diabetes. Although not scientifically proven, acupuncture is rooted in Asian medicine and has been practiced for over 5,000 years. Practitioners employ needles to manipulate your body's physiological functions.


Research your family history. On your first visit to the acupuncturist, you will probably be asked for a detailed medical history. Explain any stress or emotional trouble that you have been experiencing.


Study any literature describing the kinds of needles that will be used during your acupuncture session. Many people think that the needles will hurt. However, the discomfort is minimal at worst. Acupuncture needles thin as human hair and many people feel relaxed by the insertion of the needles.


Avoid eating foods and drinking liquids that contain caffeine several hours before your acupuncture appointment. It is also suggested that you eat lightly before and after your appointment. Don't drink alcohol or use illicit drugs before your acupuncture appointment.


Drink any herbal teas or take any supplements your acupuncturist may recommend that you ingest prior to treatment and between treatments. For certain conditions, your professional also may recommend dietary changes. Follow these guidelines.


Dress with comfortable and loose clothing. You will want to feel relaxed during your acupuncture to get the most out of the experience.


Bathe before your appointment. You may have to expose your skin, depending on the treatment.

How to Prepare for Acupuncture Treatment

How to Prepare for Acupuncture Treatment

Acupuncture can be a soothing, glorious treatment as long as you ready yourself with a relaxed nature and open mind. You can effectively prepare for acupuncture treatment by first picking an acupuncturist you trust and then following a few simple tips.


Get yourself a trustworthy acupuncturist by asking your friends, doctors, massage therapist or health food stores for a referral.


Relax. Let your body be embraced by the acupuncture table as you lay flat on your back or stomach and wait for the treatment to begin.


Breathe. Inhale and exhale in deep, slow, rhythmic breaths.


Close your eyes.


Envision something gorgeous. This can include anything from a gently rolling sea to all your pain and suffering escaping your pores with each pressure point from a needle.


Use the pulsating points to bring you tranquility and soothing relief. Once the first needle is stuck in a pressure point, you will instantly begin to feel release and relief. Embrace it and go with the flow.

Tips & Warnings

Remember you are there for healing, not more pain. Don’t be afraid.

<br>Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years with amazing results. Don't expect to be the exception.

If you hate needles, you can still get acupuncture treatments as long as you don't look at or dwell on the prickly things.

How to Prepare for Acupressure

How to Prepare for Acupressure

Acupressure is a form of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in which pressure points throughout the body are manipulated with the hands, knuckles and fingers. Acupressure is a form of acupuncture that does not employ needles, yet performs the same function. Pressure in certain areas can relieve pain, reduce swelling and eliminate stress. Before attending an acupressure appointment, there are several ways in which a patient should prepare for the session.

Things You'll Need:

Diary of symptoms

Soft, comfortable clothing

Light, protein-based snack


Start a diary detailing the symptoms of the illness, pain or other problem that brings you to acupressure as a treatment method. Be as specific as you can when describing the type of pain you experience using terms such as "intermittent," "constant," "stabbing," "dull ache" and so on. Write down how often you experience symptoms and any triggers if you know what they are.


Prepare the clothing that you will wear to an acupressure appointment. Needles are not used for acupressure, so clothing does not need to be removed. Provide easy access to pressure points on your limbs and neck by wearing soft garments that can be easily rolled up or pushed aside as needed.


Make sure your skin is clean and dry prior to an acupressure appointment. Refrain from using oils or creams that may leave a residue or make your skin slippery to the touch.


Remove your watch and earrings to prepare for acupressure. There are many pressure points on your ear that address pain and addictive behaviors and points on your wrist that can reduce nausea. Your acupressure practitioner can work more easily without jewelry on these areas of your body.


Eat a small, high-protein snack a couple of hours before your acupressure session. Avoid greasy foods that may upset your stomach. Eggs, cheese or yogurt are good choices that will provide you with enough energy and help reduce lightheadedness during your appointment.


Avoid strenuous activity for the 2 to 3 hours before your acupressure treatment. This includes heavy lifting and in some cases, sexual activity. Check with your practitioner for specific guidelines if you have any questions.


Relax your body and mind before acupressure. The treatment will be much more effective if you remove tension from your body. Close your eyes and focus on allowing the acupressure to alleviate your symptoms.

Tips & Warnings

Acupressure should be used as a treatment only with your doctor's knowledge and approval. Though acupressure in an effective pain-relief tool, this type of treatment cannot heal bacterial infections or other illnesses that require antibiotic medications.

How to Prepare for a Thai Massage Session

How to Prepare for a Thai Massage Session

Thai massage is a highly effective form of massage that not only relaxes the body and works out knots, as other massage forms do, but also gets you moving in yoga-like positions and poses to channel blood to problem areas. To get the most out of a Thai massage session follow these steps to prepare yourself.


Know what you're in for. If you have an image of lying on a cushy table in a dim room for your Thai massage you should think again. Thai massage is closer to yoga than to traditional Western forms of massage. You will most likely be lying on a mat on the floor with the massage therapist using various parts of his body to bend and twist you into therapeutic poses.


Wear comfortable clothing. Unlike Swedish massage, which requires that you strip down to a small towel, Thai massage doesn't use any oil. This means that you stay fully dressed for the massage. Since Thai massage requires a good amount of movement, come dressed in loose and comfortable clothing so that you'll be prepared to do everything the massage therapist requires of you.


Make sure you have no injuries or chronic medical conditions. The relatively high level of activity involved in Thai massage means that there's a chance that the massage could exacerbate injuries or other conditions. If you've had any kind of recent medical troubles check with your doctor and with the massage therapist to make sure that you're body is fully prepared for the massage.


Come with an empty stomach. You should prepare for a Thai massage in a way that's similar to preparing for a run or other form of exercise. You should not be hungry before the massage but it's definitely best to come with an empty stomach or after a very light meal. This will ensure that your body has enough blood available to keep you relaxed and prevent unpleasant muscle cramps.

How to Prepare for a Reiki Treatment

How to Prepare for a Reiki Treatment

Reiki treatment is still a new concept in the world of alternative and holistic medicine. As such, a lot of people have no idea about what they will need to do to prepare for a Reiki treatment. Fortunately, preparing for a Reiki treatment is simple and relaxing.

Things You'll Need:

Comfortable clothes


Check what the fee will be for the Reiki treatment. Since Reiki does not have a general fee structure system, ask the practitioner how much the Reiki treatment will cost. Most Reiki practitioners charge different rates for different clients, depending on their needs.


Take along a friend to help ease feelings of anxiety. Anxiety can ruin the preparation for a Reiki treatment, so take a friend with you to help prepare you for the process. Make sure the friend is supportive and will not tear down you or the Reiki practitioner.


Schedule a block of time for the Reiki treatment. Reiki treatments often take between 45 minutes and 1 hour, so make sure that amount of time is firmly spoken for beforehand. Do not try to rush the Reiki treatment, as that runs counter to the philosophy behind Reiki in the first place.


Allow some time afterward to deal with any after-effects of the Reiki treatment. Sometimes a person undergoing Reiki for the first time will want to cry or have problems with grief, guilt or apathy. Prepare for those emotional responses by setting aside a block of time after the first Reiki treatment in order to deal with these emotional responses.


Create a feeling of tranquility before going to the Reiki treatment. Being at peace with oneself is extremely important in order to allow the Reiki to have its maximum effect. Prepare yourself emotionally and spiritually by meditating for a half-hour, or by taking a nap before the treatment begins.


Take a shower. Physical cleanliness is as important as spiritual and emotional cleanliness when preparing for a Reiki treatment. Take a shower beforehand, and if possible spend time in a steam room to sweat some toxins out of your body.


Wear comfortable clothes. Tight pants, belts and shoes can block the flow of Reiki, so prepare by wearing a sweat suit, or clothes that maximize your comfort level. Flannel shirts have been known to increase comfort, as have loose pants, sweaters and moccasins.

Tips & Warnings

Consult with the practitioner who will be doing the Reiki treatment beforehand. She may have a specific ritual she asks her clients to do in order to get the full effect of the Reiki treatment.

How to Prepare for a Green Juice Fast

How to Prepare for a Green Juice Fast

Juice fasting is the voluntary withholding of solid for a specific period of time, often used to give the body a rest from consumption. Fasting with green juices such as spirulina or chlorella allows the body to receive nutrient-dense food replacements. Here is how to prepare to get the most out of your green juice fast.


Determine the length of your fast. If you are a beginner, starting off with a 24- or 48-hour fast will help build a constitution for longer periods.


Begin eliminating alcohol, caffeine and processed food one to two weeks before your fast. This is a gradual process.


Increase your intake of live foods such as salads and sprouted foods like alfalfa sprouts.


Increase your water intake or make sure you are getting the required eight glasses a day.


Eat as lightly as possible two days before the fast.


Begin your fast on a day where you don't have to do a lot of errands or work. Weekends are a good place to start.

Tips & Warnings

Consult with your doctor for dietary changes.