How to Prepare for Acupuncture
Many people turn to acupuncture to cure or help relieve ailments such as depression, arthritis, and diabetes. Although not scientifically proven, acupuncture is rooted in Asian medicine and has been practiced for over 5,000 years. Practitioners employ needles to manipulate your body's physiological functions.
Research your family history. On your first visit to the acupuncturist, you will probably be asked for a detailed medical history. Explain any stress or emotional trouble that you have been experiencing.
Study any literature describing the kinds of needles that will be used during your acupuncture session. Many people think that the needles will hurt. However, the discomfort is minimal at worst. Acupuncture needles thin as human hair and many people feel relaxed by the insertion of the needles.
Avoid eating foods and drinking liquids that contain caffeine several hours before your acupuncture appointment. It is also suggested that you eat lightly before and after your appointment. Don't drink alcohol or use illicit drugs before your acupuncture appointment.
Drink any herbal teas or take any supplements your acupuncturist may recommend that you ingest prior to treatment and between treatments. For certain conditions, your professional also may recommend dietary changes. Follow these guidelines.
Dress with comfortable and loose clothing. You will want to feel relaxed during your acupuncture to get the most out of the experience.
Bathe before your appointment. You may have to expose your skin, depending on the treatment.
Many people turn to acupuncture to cure or help relieve ailments such as depression, arthritis, and diabetes. Although not scientifically proven, acupuncture is rooted in Asian medicine and has been practiced for over 5,000 years. Practitioners employ needles to manipulate your body's physiological functions.
Research your family history. On your first visit to the acupuncturist, you will probably be asked for a detailed medical history. Explain any stress or emotional trouble that you have been experiencing.
Study any literature describing the kinds of needles that will be used during your acupuncture session. Many people think that the needles will hurt. However, the discomfort is minimal at worst. Acupuncture needles thin as human hair and many people feel relaxed by the insertion of the needles.
Avoid eating foods and drinking liquids that contain caffeine several hours before your acupuncture appointment. It is also suggested that you eat lightly before and after your appointment. Don't drink alcohol or use illicit drugs before your acupuncture appointment.
Drink any herbal teas or take any supplements your acupuncturist may recommend that you ingest prior to treatment and between treatments. For certain conditions, your professional also may recommend dietary changes. Follow these guidelines.
Dress with comfortable and loose clothing. You will want to feel relaxed during your acupuncture to get the most out of the experience.
Bathe before your appointment. You may have to expose your skin, depending on the treatment.